Business process modeler with over 24 years of experience

I have over 24 years of experience in business process modeling in various industries. Thanks to the Certificate in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) by APICS I have had the opportunity to boost my business knowledge, which will benefit your company.

Business Process Management (BPM)

An organization’s business processes become more efficient thanks to BPM. BPM also allows companies to adapt more rapidly to an ever-changing environment.

The cycle of BPM consists of 5 phases:

  • Design: a business process should be designed as simple and transparent as possible to be completed as quickly as possible without any mistakes.
  • Modeling: documenting a business process (in the form of a model listing activities).
  • Execution: the business process is implemented after the management’s approval.
  • Monitoring: under the direction of a process manager, the process team monitors the business process to check whether everything goes according to plan.
  • Optimization: business processes are further optimized if any problems should arise.
BPM LifeCycle

Advantages of Business Process Management

Business Process Management offers the following advantages to your company:

  • better insight in the activities
  • Increased ability to identify bottlenecks, to make improvements and to reassign resources
  • Increased ability to identify other domains to be optimized
  • Reduction of lead times
  • The employees’ roles and duties are better defined

A business process modeler surveys everything and adjusts when necessary.

Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

The BPMN methodology I use allows me to analyze and optimize your business processes. BPMN is a widely used graphical notation allowing businesses to communicate about their business processes in a standardized way.

Would you like to learn more about Business Process Management or would you like to hire me as business process modeler?

Feel free to contact me.